Saturday, July 27, 2024

Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do?

What is a spirit guide and what do they do? Watch this video to learn about the spiritual team that helps you through this life!

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🌟 Tripods:
Amazon basics tripod:
Window suction cup mount:
Manfrotto Mini tripod:
Boom stand:
Flexible mini tripod:
Tripod Selfie Stick:
Manfrotto smart phone holder:

🌟 Accesories:
Light reflector kit:
Continuous Power adapter for Canon T6:

👑 Hi, I’m Veronica and I help people live intentionally, find their joy, and expand their consciousness. I want to provide easy ways for you to change your habits and your perspective in order to become more productive, balanced, and peaceful which will bring out the best in yourself and your daily life. 💗

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🎧 Osmoji: Surfs Up |

🎧Bokeh and Lavendaire: Summer Sky |

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  • How do you know you have 25? Are you saying you had 25people close to you that have died that left an impression on your life??

  • Will spirit guides leave you or can you banish them by your negative thoughts and doubt?

  • Thank you for being you and help,teaching the world. NAMASTE

  • My general spirit guide is a great grandmother of mine named Anna. She says I have 2 more that will approach me when needed. I asked Anna for guidance and went on YouTube and randomly found you. Anna told me she led me to you she said her and ur guide “Spomie” are friends on the other side.not sure what the other side is but ya lol.

  • What really got me is when you said your thoughts are energy and the guides hear them
    It made me think of manifestation.
    Ask and you shall receive once you put it into the world

  • Thank you so much. It must be me that sent the help me vibe. I am a senior and found healing through Reiki just a few short years ago. I was reluctant and short of time trying to catch up with all the great writers on healing and spirituality to become involved with using a pendulum.

  • When I stayed up last night until like 1AM, I got very scared while talking about spirituality with some friends over text. One of them talked about negative spirits, do you have a video explaining more of that?

  • Is it possible that someone that you was close to at one time dead and become your spirit guide? I have an ex that I was with for several years and we still talk to each other here there after we broke up. He was still willing to be there for me if I ever needed him and then he dead 2 half years ago and still around me now.

  • Great video! How did you get into spirituality? Do you have some books to reccomend?

  • I feel I found u and this channel just at the time I needed this information so thank u 💜

  • Okay. How about Richie Valens? Where was his spirit guide when he was killed in an airplane crash at 17? Clearly his spirit guide didn't protect him from the crash. One doesn't get the sense that Richie was even close to completing his "mission" (with which a guide will supposedly help). Rather, it seems he was just getting started. Or are you going to tell me that the spirit guide was dropping hints or messages, but Richie either didn't catch them or wasn't paying attention? (Yes, but isn't it in the guide's power to MAKE the message obvious?)

    Another question that haunts me: how is it that they supposedly "protect' in some cases but not in others? What makes a situation "worthy of intervention" in one case, but not the other? These guides apparently don't intervene in cases of little girls or boys being raped. ("We love you so much that we're going to let that happen to you so that, by being raped, you hopefully will develop compassion and your spirit of forgiveness toward your rapists.") Is this, roughly speaking, the motivation for NOT intervening, protecting? Where does "free will" come in with respect to the girl getting raped? Does she have a choice as to whether or not she gets raped? Why intervene at all, at any time, since we can (in principle) learn from EVERY calamity? Moreover, must the growth of compassion depend on being raped? Why must one be raped in order to develop compassion? Why not intervene in that case, and let the child develop compassion by exposing him/her to milder situations, as is the case with most people? Let's put the matter differently: how can it be meaningfully said that guides or angels care for/love those children?

    Maybe by "protection" you DON'T mean intervention at all. Maybe all these "guides" offer is a kind of wisdom or clarity that better equips us to deal with all the challenging things that happen (if only we could be sensitive enough to pick up on them). But even if that were the case, I still don't like spirit guides, as they don't protect, say, children from abuses. Children are often helpless and have done nothing to deserve ill treatment.

  • Hey, I know that spirit guides are not incarnated on earth, does this mean that they aren't incarnated anywhere in our galaxy or universe? Or they might be incarnated in other worlds as multi-dimensional . And is there such thing as a parallel earth? Because it seems my Liverpool incarnation is a parallel earth, incarnation, which still excists, despite my early leaving, it is also where my Beatle friends are still together, making music right now, which is also about to release here as 'unreleased' songs what we gonna hear for the first time 'now'. That's cool, that musicians create those unreleased songs in a parallel incarnation. Yes, all our lives are parallel incarnations. But when a soul leaves this earth plane, he/she might still excist in other lifetimes. But how does this work with spirit guides? For example, I hear from someone else who has a spirit guide, and at the same time he is commander on a starship, because there is no time and space in the spirit world. Does this mean that spirit guides can do multiple things at the same time?

  • Hey! Your videos helped me very much ! I have a question I have ocd and while doing shadow work one aspect of me was where I was afraid that ppl would leave me and while working through it I started getting more and more intrusive thoughts like that . My brain makes unwanted thoughts that are not nice about them that I dont even mean, each time I try to communicate with them I start to get this fear and I end up giving up. I can sometimes feel her energy its very calm. I was told in many tarot readings that she's a woman . As badly as I want to appreciate her and talk to her…. I just don't find the right way. Could you please help. Have a nice day.

  • how did you find out who they were by name and such? they speak through me but I rarely just hear their type of personality…or I just havent figured that out yet haha

  • Tonight I probable have an entercounter with my main (Warrior) guide in my dream, all what I can say about 'him' is that he's awesome and light hearterd. He carries a battle ax bigger than his hand and I thought he wears a golden (kind of dress) and he has a golden glow. He has half long curley hair, his quite muscled and is smiling friendly to me, so he is also gold inside too, his energy feels good to me, I feel so. First I thought it is Archangel Miquel, but to me he looked more like a spirit guide and had no wings, he is quite comparable with Miquel, but I don't know if Miquel carries a battle axe, do you know? In my dream I'm sitting at the dining table with my dad on the opposite when he appears behind my dad, with a golden glow. And he is cutting something with the ax, maybey a cutting a cord or an bad/negative bahaviour,. And yes, it also explains that I have warrior energy, I used to do archery which I quite now, but I liked it though. And I have some swords and a shield as decoration in my room. So, bad and negative vibes have no business with me, haha! Well, so his role possible could be confidence, which is highly needed as a warrior. I don't know his name yet, well, I might know it soon 😀

  • For the first time, How we connect to our spirit guide, via meditations? Thanks for your help alot.

  • Can these things be detrimental? They say no to everything I want to do ,the career I want to pursue,the things I want to have ,they tell me to abstain from things ,they scare me ,they show signs that things would not turn out good .I have been dealing with these things from the past two years Please help me.

  • This video is really beautiful and makes me even want to connect to my guides but is there a video for beginners on the step by step on how to get started? I'll really appreciate that.

    Thank you so much

  • Hi i just want to ask how to find out who is my guidance

  • If spirit guides are in my physical space, then I am horrified to look back on all the times I've done… things in private.

  • This week I start noticing my main guide sending signs on license plates, my guides know I love the license plate game. John and George have really taste for cars, when George once sends me signal with 'GH' on license what is attached to an old Mercedes for example, or a classic Porsh. Do you guides also have taste for cars? John and George are sending almost every day signals under JL and GH since I asked it, they can't make it any easier for me. Sometimes they sending me both at the same time. But I ask my main guide this week to send me signs because I haven't asked that much yet. So after I ask the next day I think I see triple times 222 and 777, and the day after I see them again, lesser times but very clear, so I know that could be (it's a him), and it was.

  • spomey has very good taste in John Mayer tunes <3

  • What do Spirit Guides actually look like? For example, what does Spomie look like if he appears in a vision or dreams? So I know where I might wanna focus on in vision and dream. I see some people think Spirit Guides are high magical beings, but they are just normal beings like us, another version of you. I had a doctor for example tonight, and yes he was busy with me, I often have doctors lately (Probably because I have a upcoming sugery), operating under local anesthetic, what kind of guide is it?

  • My guide is GOD♡ still i do not Understand our world.. full of HATE And money !!

  • Did you guys hear the disruption on 240

  • Is it possible Spirit Guides had a lot's of troubles in their past lifes like us? My guide John also had a gaotic life where he couldn't do anyhing about, it was a time were the earth was under control by evil and religion, but now John is a powerful spirit guide. The 3th dimension always blame people, but I don't wanna blame anyone. We all make mistakes, and that's how we learn. And yes, I believe beings with the most gaotic life can become great and powerful spirit guides.

  • Is it possible that if you call upon one God or Godess its not that God who comes but your spirit guides?
    I worship a hindu Godess called Tripura Sundari.
    The thing is when I have visions about her, she doesn't look like in the hindu paintings but as a blond woman who look like the ascended master called Lady Nada.

  • How do u communicate with a guide ? And why aren’t guides in a bible? I have Clairsentience and Claircognizance abilities

  • I don't think I have spirit guide, because when I ask for signs I never get it.

  • Thank you, again. so I just found Out last week I Have 5 spirit guides . all of My family members That Has Passed..❤️I could Not believe It. They gave me all the Names of Them. currently I was able to Talk to My great Grandma & Ex boyfriend & cousin Only 3 People so far. 2 More to Meet Thru The pendulum.. This Is so amazing.. Its Opened a New chapter Of My Life!!🙏🏻.. I so happy and Blessed to be able to talk to Them!! WOW.. This Is amazing That.. Im Still In AAAWWWW..🥰🥰🥰🌺🌺🌺🌺💕💕💕💕🤗 Thank you Veronica.. your so sweet. 🌺

  • Can you show me the way of talking to my spirit guides with the intension I'm talking to them? And especially if I don't know their name, can I just adress them with 'you' or 'guide'? I always say such things as: 'I'm asking my guides to come into my space', is that good?

  • How do I reach my spirit guides..what am I missing

  • This is so detailed but yet so simple and explains so much but not too much. This is like the perfect video for beginners!!!

  • How do I know if my vibrations are high enough to talk to my spirit guides?

  • I can hear them is that normal? Hehe. They’re my ancestors.

  • I asked out loud…Do I have a spirit guide, or am I alone?


  • Well if we have these guides, then how come bad things happen to us and they dont help

  • Thank you so much!!! I needed this❤️

  • This was explained beautifully! Thank you for making this video. However, I have a question: what if I don't exactly believe in god/ dont know if God exists?

  • do i have to protect myself or do something to prepare myself before i try to contact my spirit guides?

  • I have a question, are new souls made every time a baby is born or are they just the soul of someone else that die and reincarnating?

  • My cousins think I'm summoning souls when I'm actually spiritually awakening-

  • Do you always get the abc or lettering paper so you can speak to them.? What do you say before ending the session?

  • Is it possible spirit guides might touch you or give a friendly pat on your head? And it really feels pleasant to me, just like a tingle on my head. It happened when I called up to Archangel Metatron, and on an evening when went to laydown in bed. Then I also asked Michael to defend me for the night, and my guides, so it might be them.

  • 5:05 tour guides are not dirty or angels they’re just souls who help you they have personality…just like you and me. That was a good point!
    Do you see them? How do you know they’re with you or when they tell you something???

  • VP

    I just met one of my spirit guides. Her name is Stella. She’s a bad ass. She was waiting for me on a bench. She had bangs. She was so encouraging. When you said that they answer your question before you even finish it, it’s so true. Her answer would go through my mind before I even had the chance to finish my question.

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