Sunday, May 26, 2024

3 Truths About Spirit Guides No One Tells You (and How to Connect to Them)

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This video will show you 3 Truths About Spirit Guides No One Tells You. Transcript below……

This video is going to show you three truths about spirit guides that nobody tells you. I’m going to share with you this new understanding, this updated understanding of what they are, how do we connect to them, and the truth about the whole process. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I’m going to be sharing with you the three truths about spirit guides that nobody tells you. I’m going to show you ways of connecting to them and how to understand how you can trust yourself more in the present moment right now because at a certain level you always have guidance. Now, this is something that I’ve seen people make videos about before and while I think that inherent in reality itself, that our beliefs create our reality so we will perceive of things that are in alignment with what we believe to be true.

Now, Spirit guides is one of those things that in a way it presents itself based upon what we believe to be true, because that’s how we feel comfortable. Now, I’m not saying in any means that spirit guides aren’t real. What I am saying is that the way in which it is presented to us will depend upon our own belief system. So many times if we have maybe a certain religion, maybe we see them as more of angelic type beans. Now if we have some other belief system about it, maybe it’s somebody that has passed on from the past or maybe it’s some type of a spirits in the sense of some type of culture. It just kind of depends on our belief system first off as to how they are presented to us now at a certain level, it could be a one on one reflection to something that you in a way I’ve experienced before or maybe it’s like a grandparent or great grandparents that passed away.

That’s a spirit guide. That can also be an experience as well. However, what I want to impart to you and the way I’m going to be explained in this video is under a couple main premises now. One of them is that we are immortal, spiritual beings having a temporary human experiences. So what this means is that at a deeper level we exist now, therefore we will always exist. So at a certain level we can relax. We don’t have to think things are as serious as they appear to be. Life is meant to be in experience. And when we start to have this frame, this understanding, it makes it a lot easier to understand the truth about who we are. And the truth is we exist now. We will always exist. And this is something that quantum physics shows us. This is something that we have learned because energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

It’s simply is. So that’s something that can be very empowering. Now in our life experience, we experience our world through the five senses. We can hear, we can touch, we can see we taste. All of these things are interpreters of vibration. That’s how we interpret our reality is with the different senses that we have that interpret what is around us. Now, here’s the cool thing. There are sounds that the human ear can’t hear. Sounds like in like the sound of a dog whistle, like really liar, low or high pitched frequencies, we can’t. We can’t hear that with our human ear, but does that mean that doesn’t exist in the same way? There are certain color light spectrums that we can see and if it’s between certain shades we can see it, but if there’s things that are infrared or if there’s things that are x ray, we can’t see it, but does that mean it doesn’t exist?

So the idea is that our senses are very limited with what we experience in our life. We can understand that there are vibrations everywhere. There are many different interpretations of reality. So this also helps us expand our definition of who we are. So part of this video, what I’m doing is I’m helping you expand your vision for who you are so that then you can understand more about your spirit guides. So you are much more vast than you can possibly imagine. When we come into life experience, we forget who we are. At a gran…

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

This video is about 3 Truths About Spirit Guides No One Tells You


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  • Hey Everyone! Here is the raise your vibration meditation that I mentioned in the video. I think you guys will find it powerful and effective.  You can get it here ➡

  • I believe 100% that we forget who we are coming into our life journey. I also believe that the older we get the more we become enlightened on a soul level. When my Dad passed away in his last days he mentioned that he "had always known he would pass away at 66 years old".) He didn't remember having this knowing in his past years, but that he knew at that moment that he had always known he would leave this Earth at 66 years old. Insane

  • I had a guide named Lydia.
    A fond of nature , elements and living things.
    Loves the shadow, as well as bright things.

    I did not know why her name came out to be.
    So unfamiliar…
    Lydian Language, alluring, yet peculiar……..

    If she was not formed from my beliefs,
    Is this Data from my DNA? Am I a part of it?

    – I love you all 🌿🔆 , 22

  • Dont give any power to the devil over u be you forget the rest

  • I started trying to connect with mine. So far I've just been having vivid/lucid dreams. It's great.


  • thank you for your guidance!

  • He is casting spells with his hands!

  • In what form should I look for the symbols?

  • Yourr so handsome…thank you

  • What religion is this? It's very interesting

  • t-shirt with flower of life!

  • I'm so grateful I woke up. 🙏
    At first I felt like I died and went to hell because Noone around me could relate to the things I was seeing and experiencing. Some even seemed to be trying to deliberately make me think I was losing my mind. After getting through the shock of it all, I have come to release all fear and I can see, hear and do amazing things. I love this part of my life so much more. ❤ 🙏

  • Thank u for this Aaron.. This video sparks something inside of me. I'm knowing more

  • I used to be into this side of spirituality before I found the truth and because of my lack of knowledge on the spiritual side I was very trusting of many spirits but seriously just cos a spirit treats you right doesn’t mean they’re good why would evil show you their true colours straight away obviously they’d wanna trick you into thinking they are good so you trust them and then once they have your trust it’s easy for them to take you down a path full of deception and distractions to keep you from finding the truth like a lot of things wether physical or spiritual different activities have demonic spirits linked to them and when you get into certain things you are actually opening yourself up to these malevolent beings and the more you communicate with them the more likely it’ll be that you are deceived by them because these beings have been around for thousands of years they not only have a lot of knowledge about humans and the way we work but they also have had a lot of practice with different tools of deception and knowing what buttons to push to get the outcome they want and trust me they actually do have an agenda and they take it seriously it’s not in their nature to be nice it’s in their nature to deceive just because things have been going well for you doesn’t mean a high level or spiritual influence hasn’t been going on in your and others lives to keep you doing what you’re doing and not think about a change of spiritual path but maybe you should maybe you should start doing things different for a while and see if these so called guides will stick with you if you really do wanna test them turn to Jesus and see how they like that

  • I used to be into this side of spirituality before I found the truth and because of my lack of knowledge on the spiritual side I was very trusting of many spirits but seriously just cos a spirit treats you right doesn’t mean they’re good why would evil show you their true colours straight away obviously they’d wanna trick you into thinking they are good so you trust them and then once they have your trust it’s easy for them to take you down a path full of deception and distractions to keep you from finding the truth like a lot of things wether physical or spiritual different activities have demonic spirits linked to them and when you get into certain things you are actually opening yourself up to these malevolent beings and the more you communicate with them the more likely it’ll be that you are deceived by them because these beings have been around for thousands of years they not only have a lot of knowledge about humans and the way we work but they also have had a lot of practice with different tools of deception and knowing what buttons to push to get the outcome they want and trust me they actually do have an agenda and they take it seriously it’s not in their nature to be nice it’s in their nature to deceive just because things have been going well for you doesn’t mean a high level or spiritual influence hasn’t been going on in your and others lives to keep you doing what you’re doing and not question a change of spiritual path but maybe you should maybe you should start doing things different for a while and see if these so called guides will stick with you if you really do wanna test them turn to Jesus and see how they like that

  • I always wondered if I was the only one who could hear dog whistles and all the sounds cellphone chargers and electronics make.

  • Here's the rub:
    Aaron Doughty, show me proof that energy can neither be created or destroyed. Don't show me any mainstream quotes or experiments. Show me your experience of energy neither being created or destroyed.

  • I want to meditate like you did

  • whoever read this message, you are loved, peace within us, and God bless us always ♥️

  • How do you know when you have had a spiritual awakening?

  • Notice how Dolores Cannon's Wikipedia page has been deleted by Center for Inquiry atheists who are desperate to remove any evidence of the afterlife. That's right. Dolores Cannon has no Wikipedia page. At all. Even though she's sold millions of books and has millions of followers, posthumously. That's because the Center for Inquiry has hired Wikipedia editors to delete Dolores's page, more than once, and also added negative entries to famous psychic mediums' Wikipedia pages.

    But that's not all they've done. Look at the enormous number of negative entries for Thomas John, Matt Fraser and other famous psychic mediums. Notice how all of these negative entries have footnotes that refer to external Center for Inquiry-related websites and pages, and refer to Center for Inquiry stunts which attemp to the unmask these mediums as "frauds". The Center for Inquiry has stacked the Wikipedia deck in their favor by creating websites that their own hired Wikipedia editors approve as legitimate footnote references, and which really serve their own agenda. Their editors reject any legitimate entry or article in a mainstream publication that supports mediums or spiritual guides. Sickening, immoral, illegal, defamatory, and desperate.

  • Many thanks, Aaron.
    Yes, we are ALL connected.
    Yes, we ALL connected to our "other" parts/aspects/personalities.
    Have you experienced "NAUGHTY SPIRITS"?

  • How do you you arent being misled by spiritual entities?

  • Thankyou soo much!!! I needed to hear this to get a clarification on why I was receiving 2 entirely different messages from spirit guides! It was my own higher self!

  • Thank them and tell them you are going to seek guidance from Jesus now… they will turn on you so quick. Happened to me. You all please be careful 🙏

  • You just blew my mind. In a good way😌

  • Question. So I'm hearing a voice . . . The voice says their a wind spirit and want me to summon it is that the same thing as this or no?

  • i came here to learn about spirit guides but is that a bring me the horizon t-shirt

  • if our spirit guides could possibly be another version of ourselves which are higher dimensional, could it be possible that there is also a much lower dimensional other version of ourselves in which we are their spirit guides. Then, in what way they are tapping into us and how do we communicate with them?

  • I have question. My papa told me my dreams would go away when I got older. When I have good dreams good things tend to come, the same for bad dreams.

    The dream that has been my mind for about more than a year was weird and the most valuable experience in my life. It was a dream that related to my DID. I dont remember how I fell asleep, I don't even think I closed my eyes. It was like going through a tunnel. It was bright but dark at the same time, because it looked like tiny stream of Aurora lights rushing through. I could actually feel the pull and the energy. It was the warmest I've ever felt. When I got to my destination, it looked like ruins of buildings floating in the sky. Thankfully, I was on a part of the ruin that was well put together, kinda like a wore down castle. Actually the first thoughts that came to me was oblivion and I think Pan. Anyway the last piece of this dream was a man sitting their all alone. He looked really sad. When I asked something a faintly saw a pair of wings attached to the wall, where the light was shining in from a multicolor window. Afterwards, he found me staring and when he looked up he was surprised and said I shouldn't be there. Before he sent me away, I don't know why but I yelled wait I have to ask you something. He said there was no time and I was sent back by falling down out of the sky and woke up, with the same feeling of warmth. It felt like he had touched my cheek and I cried my eyes out afterwards.

    Why did I have such a dream? I've never saw him in my life, but I felt like I've always know him.

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