When I was in KIRITs CLass for mathematicaL tactics —-> he toLd Engineering will reach New feats —-> agrawaL told we are paid 25paisa He is paid 25crores per Lecture on DucTiLity/And FLuiDynamics —-> Dr MakenTosh toLd Lecture by SuperSpeciaLisT dRajendra in CLass by cLass of his own [Today MedicaL science anDoctorinEngineering ] for civiLisaTion of 21 centuary
When I was in KIRITs CLass for mathematicaL tactics —-> he toLd Engineering will reach New feats
—-> agrawaL told we are paid 25paisa He is paid 25crores per Lecture on DucTiLity/And FLuiDynamics
—-> Dr MakenTosh toLd Lecture by SuperSpeciaLisT dRajendra in CLass by cLass of his own
[Today MedicaL science anDoctorinEngineering ] for civiLisaTion of 21 centuary
Starts at 2:45
Fruitful. Thanks