Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bobby Marks' offseason guide: The New York Knicks | NBA on ESPN

Bobby Marks gives his offseason guide for the New York Knicks.

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  • Even if it is 2022, you know what I saw last season:
    Randle: 40 point game
    Fournier: 40 point game
    Barrett: 40 point game
    Walker: 40 point game
    Toppin: 40 point game
    Players who can score & coach who can coach defense
    And the glue (Derrick Rose) to the team, out.
    Looks more like a team that could make the playoffs if they can be consistent as a team.

  • WL

    This is about delusional of a take as there is…They have to get a dynamic Guard on this team…rinse & repeat! If the Knicks try to come back next season without an athletic dynamic young Guard starting at the 1 or 2….they won't win 30 games next year. This team is the worst half court team in the NBA b/c they have nobody besides DRose that can breakdown a set Defense…you not getting in transition all year & when the playoffs come you have to be able play in the half court. Focus should be on trading up for Ivey…Get Ivey the whole game & floor will open up & guys like RJ, Cam, Obi can play in their correct roles & off of Ivey.

  • JT

    Dump the vets- Fournier, Randle, Burks, maybe rose or Noel if anyone will take him. This team with those guys can win you games but either trade for a “star” such as Mitchell or Beal and keep that cap space open for another “star” and pair them with RJ and the young kids

  • Get a new coach and do a rebuild around rj, toppin, reddish, Mitchell, and quickly. Trade everyone else.

  • Toppin has not played enough I'd move randle if you want to develop him

  • Im either keeping randle and adding John wall for of rose isn't a starter at this point

    Or i blow it up and keep RJ everyone else I'm out on

  • honestly julius randle and another play and some picks for damian lillard would be a good trade for both teams randle would be a good fit for portland and they have a new pg in simmons dame dont wanna be there anyway hes the best option for them besides bradley beal LGK!

  • Worst thing the Knicks did was extending Randle after a career year. Thibs' stubbornness in not playing the younger guys has hurt their development. Hopefully this painful lesson forces them to pivot. No contract is untradable. They'll just have to take back a bad contract, say Westbrook, in return. Yes, it's $41M but it comes off the books after the season. If Mitchell leaves as a free agent, hopefully they can draft Mark Williams from Duke and rebuild with a core of RJ, Obi and IQ.

  • knicks are still pretty far away, no real identity as a team or difference maker players

  • They went all in on a sub par team. Singed everyone to long term contracts. Tibs loves to overplay his players like he did in Chicago and Minny

  • Patience is the name of the game for us. We are moving in the right direction. Let's see what happens and what opens up. We should not do any STUPID things thinking we are going to win a championship with one move. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! We MUST develop our young core and move away from Thibs. He is not a developmental coach. He likes to run the starters into the ground with stupid amounts of minutes played regardless of their quality of play. Let's put together quality pieces that will make up a competitive basketball TEAM. PATIENCE.

  • Let's go knicks🗽🏀👀

  • No, teams figured out the Knicks last year.

  • Knicks needs to build around r.j. barrett

  • Trade Julius randle he's not a leader for the Knicks

  • Youth ??????? He barely let anybody under 25 23 yr old finish games lol and we lost to every young team out there this season….so it’s not youth……and then u gotta ask when will D rose not be enough to close games ????

  • Knicks need to fire Thibbs asap! Why the foock do team keep hiring him. Every head coaching job he's had begins with a decent run but ends in devastating fashion. The Bulls, he kept D. Rose🌹 in the game when it was over with a few minutes in the 4th the beginning of the end. In Minnesota dude had a possible championship contender but traded for his guy Jimmy Buckets and then let him abuse the young players. Butler was smashing players girlfriends, playing in practice with timberland boots and making threats. And the worse part is he gave up Zach Lavine, Kris Dunn and Lari Markkane then traded Butler for nothing. Now on the Knicks he's signing and playing veterans while the young core gets 5-10 mins. Thibbs need to be banned for all basketball activities like Donald Sterling.

  • Pick up jalen Brunson from Dallas & trade Randall and give more time to toppin and quickly. And get a deeper youthful bench.

  • Lack of team concept because RJ is the best player but he didn’t wanna step on toes this year next year he gonna go hard

  • He works on the Bulls.

  • This guy is madd boring

  • Love Thibs but minutes distribution and missing Rose and Noel is what made our season bad. Not that we would be a top tier team but if it was not for those 2 things regardless of Randles decline we could have still made the playoffs. SB Stop blaming the young players. If they played more minutes we would have won more games

  • They should go all in on their rebuild. Fire Thibs and trade the veterans.

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