Saturday, July 27, 2024

3 Ways You Can Improve Emotional Regulation Using DBT

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DBT is an incredibly useful tool when it comes to managing emotions. In fact, there is an entire module of this treatment dedicated to emotional regulation. In this interview, triple board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho and MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson discuss…

1. What role do emotions biologically play in our behavior and how we respond to conflict?
2. What comes first, the behavior or the emotion?
3. How can someone reduce overly emotional responses using mindfulness?
4. What are the 3 goals of the emotional regulation model of DBT?
5. What are some examples of how we tend to be vulnerable towards emotions like sadness, denial, anger, fear, and happiness?
6. What are some ways people may incorrectly express their emotion?
7. How can someone start utilizing “emotion words”?

And more.

Thanks for watching our YouTube video! Watch more educational videos from Dr. Judy HERE:


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  • Watch the rest of this series on effective ways to improve your emotional health (featuring Dr. Judy Ho) HERE:

  • Emotions are AMPLIFIED for me. I have alot of early trauma…but i was put in emotional charge of my parents at age 3….i was the emotional external hard drive and they literally gave me responsibility for their emotions and ensuing reactions.
    To survive since age 3 i had to divert my emotions. The grownups were COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL.
    I was in the middle of EVERYTHING SINCE AGE 3.
    You can only imagine the suffering i have experienced because of the broken people i naturally allowed into my life.
    I am tired.
    I dont want to walk in the park.
    I want to love and indulge the part of me that was traumatized.
    I want to lovingly reintegrate all those frozen frightened pieces of me..
    I want them to feel safe enough to come home.xo

  • Dont we all live in denial about some of our pain everyday ?
    Thats how i learned to live my life. Now im confused.

  • I’m having a hard time. Because when I express myself I start to cry and then people think I’m crazy or getting too attached to them when I’m just trying to be understood. So I just be quiet and alone.

  • Nice video. Be joyful by your nature. To feel better reduce negative thoughts with a simple practice. Your breath and mind [brain] are closely related causing stress-anxiety. For a better life sit on a chair, neck straight, eyes closed and observe the sensations of your incoming–outgoing breath at the entrance of the nostrils for 5-10-15 minutes or more. Don’t fight your thoughts. Slowly the mind will relax. No deep breathing needed. Do the practice without any expectations. Change happens from within by itself. Day or night, when taking a walk, sitting in a park, when reading, at office, before sleep etc sit or lie down and observe your breath. Like me, make this a lifetime daily habit to have a good life. Reduce negative social media. Avoid constipation as it affects the mind instantly. Best wishes. Senior Counsellor.

  • Gifts subscribe thumbs Up to
    Dr. Judy I love love her talk

  • This video doesn't teach you anything

  • I wish going outside fixed my suicidal thoughts. I’m carrying on, pretending to be happy. I don’t know what I need from life

  • kwi

    I can express if a movie is sad or a situation that effects someone else is sad, but when someone asks me how I feel, I simply can't express it. I might know that I do not feel good, but I can't label it anymore. This has become a problem after leaving an abusive marriage. I wonder if I'm broken forever. I'm trying to work through some self help books and have been reading a lot because I know that some of my voting mechanisms are no longer helping. I cannot afford counseling or therapy right now, so I am desperately seeking something I can use that might give me some relief.

  • R P

    Excellent information! Thank you. Ps. I think the lightning or something is making her hair look greenish

  • Emotions are awful, we would be better off without them

  • So if you are sad not meeting a need and this continues without you resolving.Does'nt the sadness turn into anger? So you can say anger is unresolved sadness which has not been addressed.

  • I surpress them. I make very logical decisions. When they come out I'm a mess. I compulsively cry

  • A novel procedure for increasing motivation and self control, quickly refutable with a good swift kick.

    The ideal for any scientist with a great idea is to be able to explain it in a minute, and to confirm or falsify it as quickly. The world record for this arguably goes to the English philosopher Samuel Johnson, who rejected Archbishop Berkeley’s argument that material things only exist in one’s mind by striking his foot against a large stone while proclaiming, “I refute it thusly!”

    Here is a similarly novel and useful idea that can be confirmed or refuted with a proverbial swift kick, and can also be easily explained through affective neuroscience (links below).

    Basic Facts:
    Endogenous opioids are induced when we eat, drink, have sex, and relax. Their affective correlate, or how it ‘feels’, is a sense of pleasure.

    Fun Fact:
    When we are concurrently perceiving some activity that has a variable and unexpected rate of reward while consuming something pleasurable, opioid activity increases and with it a higher sense of pleasure. In other words, popcorn tastes better when we are watching an exciting movie than when we are watching paint dry. The same effect occurs when we are performing highly variable or meaningful activity (creating art, doing good deeds, doing productive work) while in a pleasurable relaxed state. (Meaning would be defined as behavior that has branching novel positive implications). This is commonly referred to as ‘flow’ or ‘peak’ experience.

    So why does this occur?
    Dopamine-Opioid interactions: or the fact that dopamine activity (elicited by positive novel events, and responsible for a state of arousal, but not pleasure) interacts with our pleasures (as reflected by mid brain opioid systems), and can actually stimulate opioid release, which is reflected in self-reports of greater pleasure.

    Proof (or kicking the stone):
    Just get relaxed using a relaxation protocol such as progressive muscle relaxation, eyes closed rest, or mindfulness, and then follow it by exclusively attending to or performing meaningful activity, and avoiding all meaningless activity or ‘distraction’. Keep it up and you will not only stay relaxed, but continue so with a greater sense of wellbeing or pleasure. In short, this is a procedure to increase motivation to do meaningful work by increasing associated positive affect or pleasure, or making useful activity ‘autotelic’ or pleasurable in itself.

    A Likely Explanation, as if you need one!
    A more formal explanation from a neurologically based learning theory of this technique is provided on pp. 44-51 in a little open-source book on the psychology of rest linked below. (The flow experience discussed on pp. 81-86.) The book is based on the work of the distinguished affective neuroscientist Kent Berridge, who was kind to review for accuracy and endorse the work.

    Implications for ‘self-help’ from the neuroscience of incentives
    Affect in rest is labile, or changeable, and rest is not an inert and non-affective state, but modulates affective systems in the brain. In addition, the degree of the modulation of pleasurable affect induced by rest is ‘schedule dependent’, and correlates with the variability of schedules or contingencies of reward and the discriminative aspects of incentives (i.e. their cognitive implications). In other words, sustained meaningful activity or the anticipation of acting meaningfully during resting states increases the affective ‘tone’ or value of that behavior, thus making productive work ‘autotelic’, or rewarding in itself.


    Rauwolf, P., et al. (2021) Reward uncertainty – as a 'psychological salt'- can alter the sensory experience and consumption of high-value rewards in young healthy adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (prepub)

    The Psychology of Rest

    The Psychology of Incentive Motivation and Affect

    The Psychology of Rest, from International Journal of Stress Management, by this author

  • So essentially faking it helps you emotionally regulate? 😅

  • The host is ignorant, dressing nice might work for normal people but if you have BPD to which DBT was made for putting on some fucking clothes aint gonna do shit to your Emotionall dysregulation that is a neurological inbalance and state.

  • When your parents don’t allow you to express emotions as a child you do not know what you feel, or how to deal with emotions when you’re an adult. I’ve spent my entire life stuffing my emotions and it’s made me physically ill.

  • More of the same bullshit. Worthless “information.” So, to stop feeling bad, I should just feel good. It’s easy!

  • 3:00 Forcing myself to do things only made me resentful and made the situation worse. When I started listening to what my emotion was telling me, I finally was able to unstuck myself and feel free

  • Sex sells huh..very cheap having a working girl 'look' in this video

  • Really valued this discussion. Thank you 🙏

  • Really valued this discussion. Thank you 🙏

  • When I act in opposite, it leads to burnout and feelings of self betrayal and the opposite of self care/validation. Definitely not helpful in the long run

  • For parents, you need to look up Dr.Becky on Instagram. She speaks on this topic as well and helps you use those same skills on your kids. ❤️🌹

  • Narcissists are sadists, as difficult as that may be to comprehend, it's true. You just can't imagine how one could receive pleasure from someone else's pain, it's not human. Narcissists are highly sadistic and they receive pleasure from torturing you and watching you suffer. They are insensitive people so they have to play nice and caring to copy their real nature. It is important to be wise when dealing with a narcissist and I’m glad that cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my husband’s phone. I got access to all his dealings both on phone and social media without touching his phone. All I did was share his phone number with Cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both his new and deleted messages from my phone through a programmed link. My husband was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad to find out all his secrets and infidelity with the help of cyberhackinggenius. I’m finally going through divorce with lots of evidence against him. I read all his deleted and recent chats on Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail (cyberhackinggenius@gmail. com) and WhatsApp: +19256795146 and thank me later for sharing this vital information with you…

  • The first tip is "ignore your emotions by not ignoring your emotions." What quacks

  • Clients aren’t “resistant”. If they’re not responding how you expect them to it’s because you as the clinician are not approaching them effectively. It’s odd she called her clients resistant then said once she switched up her approach her clients responded differently. I think that’s enough proof that clinicians play the biggest role.

  • I have alexithymia 🙁 it’s hard to know what I’m feeling if I don’t have a related experience to connect it to. I know I feel emotions but it takes processing to know how to describe it. I’m autistic.

  • Forgive me for saying so, you can take this or leave but I just want to merely point out that the impression I get of this woman is not what this means to her but rather as a well articulated and characterized school of thought and ideas not unlike an academic understanding as opposed to one that necessarily speaks to a greater purpose in life. It's unfortunate for me because coming from a background in which I have met with countless unsolicited recommendations to a school of thought that an 8 year old can understand academically, I was hoping for an account of how self awareness was worth caring about and why I might also care.

  • being too much emotional and sensative makes the defences weak

  • Im so exhausted from this, im so stupid I can't control. I just need the pain to stop😢

  • 😢😢😢😢 im always crying

  • I hear many people say that psychopaths don't have emotions. I think even psychopaths have emotions to some extent, but that they're just not as strong as neurotypicals. Some of their emotions might even be so weak that they don't even feel them. But they're still there right?
    Psychopathy is a whole other topic that is so vast.

  • Dr. Judy Ho is awesome!!

  • Hi. We also made a video about Emotional Intelligence and thought you and your viewers might like to see it.

  • Thank you so much for making this series available. It has really helped me identify my BPD and get the appropriate treatment for it. Even when there are days when I’m feeling withdrawn and all I want to do is lie in bed and watch YouTube, there is always one of these videos popping up in my recommendations encouraging me to keep going. So, thank you.

  • This sounds a bit like the communication Marshal Rosenberg teaches.

  • What painting is that in the living room??

  • I think trust in a relationship is overrated. When my husband started getting frequent night calls, i would ask and he would just wave off those calls as unimportant. At a time i could take no more of his lies, i decided i deserve to know what was going on. A friend of mine referred me to this great ethical hacking team( Cyberhackingsage@gmail ) who helped clone his cellphone without having to touch the device. My husband was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad i found out all his secrets and infidelity and how he planned on using this pandemic to get back to me. I got access to his Facebook, iMessage, GPS location, WhatsApp, Call Logs and Text Messages (both deleted and incoming ones) with a remote link to a programmed App on my phone. I’m here in Florida and able to access my husband’s phone…even while he was away in Canada cheating on me. Thanks to Cyberhackingsage, now i have enough evidence for my divorce. If you need help or that little bit of closure, i advice you get in touch with them Via Gmail ( cyberhackingsage@gmail )Or Text and WhatsApp them on +15713758467…thank me later.

  • Holy flip, my ex used to say 'that's interesting' about literally everything and I learned to translate that into 'I hated that, or that made me feel uncomfortable' through nuance in tone. Thinking back he never used emotion words.

  • Please do a video on ASD as it has a huge stigma attached to it. I feel Med Circle has a huge platform to give their audience the right information.

  • Thanks for this video:) but I disagree. With someone who has the alexithymia trait. It's not like I am in denial in what I am feeling. My personal experience of it: it takes awhile to process an emotion. I don't feel it staight away I feel it more strongly in physical sensations like a headache. So that makes it tricky to identify the emotion.

  • It's very difficult to retrain your self to describe what you're feeling when your whole life has been dedicated to hide your emotions. Maybe that's why I love emojis 😂

  • She’s very articulate but her choice of dress detracts from Her message. Yes, I would enjoy going to dinner with her in that dress. But in a professional setting (like this attempts to simulate) I find that her choice of dress detracts from the seriousness of the title of the video, and thus undermines her message.

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