Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tag Archives: Glycogen metabolism

Regulation of hexokinase 4

Hexokinase iv regulation mechanism. Download the study materials here- Mammalian hexokinase IV, also referred to as glucokinase, differs from other hexokinases in kinetics and functions. The location of the phosphorylation on a subcellular level occurs when glucokinase translocates between the cytoplasm and nucleus of liver cells. Glucokinase can only phosphorylate glucose if the concentration of this substrate is high enough; its Km for glucose is 100 times higher than that of hexokinases I, II, and III. Hexokinase […]

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Glycogen Metabolism | Glycogenolysis | Pathway, Enzymes and Regulation

Lesson on Glycogen Metabolism (Glycogenolysis) pathway: Step-by-step overview of the pathway, including regulation, advantages, and disadvantages of glycogenolysis, important enzymes (glycogen phosphorylase) and differences between liver and muscle utilization of glycogen. Hey everyone, in this lesson you will learn about glycogen metabolism (catabolism of glycogen), how glycogen is broken down and used, where in the body this breakdown occurs, and how glycogen catabolism is regulated. You will also learn how and why the liver and skeletal muscle […]

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